MACA 1160 Previsualization

This course trains students to build projects that examine a variety of concepts and the storytelling process through visual communication. From print to film, animation, and interactive, students will focus on the creative aspects of previsualization for industry and storyboarding for the communicative arts. Learn more about the MACA Creative Imaging and Illustration program at: […]

MACA 1090 Figure Illustration

In Figure Illustration, you’ll learn to draw the human form from life, photographs, and imagination using a variety of techniques and media. Being able to capture the gesture and form of a body and replicate that accurately will not only improve your illustration skills, but will improve your animation, sculpting, modeling, rendering, and all other […]

MACA 1040 Illustration Fundamentals

During this class, students will learn the methods of illustration. Shading, Perspective, Composition, and Rendering Techniques will be the main focus of the work in the class. Even without any prior illustration experience, students will learn techniques to set them on a path to communicate confidently and clearly through illustration. Students will illustrate a variety […]

MACA 1025 Design 1

Design 1 introduces or reinforces the Principles and Elements of Design. Starting with a dot which evolves to line, shape, form, working within space, depth, adding texture and color is only the start of what students will explore in this class. The material from this class will be used throughout all successful designs. This is […]

MACA 1010 Introduction to Photography

Introduction to Photography builds students the necessary foundation to utilizing a Digital Camera and the techniques on communicating effectively through Photography. Understanding the concepts of how photography works by capturing light and using a variety of controls to limit and focus which light we capture is an important part of taking good Photographs. The use […]